Get Business Importer automatically talking and sharing with your other apps

With your apps working happily together, you'll be able to get back to business.

Integrate TrueERP

What is Business Importer ?

Business Importer will automate Import Invoices, Receive/Spent Money, Payments, Credit notes, Bank Transactions and other entities from Excel. It will Map columns from your file, save your mapping, you can re-use it for any other company as well. After you schedule you can start another import and do anything you need. As soon as import is finished you will be notified by email.

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Connect Business Importer to these popular apps

Integrate with all these cloud apps today. Select an app to see more details.

Integrate Business Importer

Popular FreshBooks integrations

How it works

Step 1

Add at least 2 apps to your CoreEDI account

Step 2

Configure the integration workflows to suit your business needs

Step 3

Set up the integration sync frequency and starting date, and enjoy the automation!

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